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Ginger, Lime & Honey drink

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Cook Time:





• 100g fresh ginger

• 6 limes, juiced

• 6 tspns honey

• 3 tspns brown sugar

• 200ml water


• Peel the ginger and roughly chop.

Then put the ginger in a blender with half a cup of water, the juice of 6 limes and blend together.

• Pass this mixture through a sieve, squeezing out as much juice as possible with the back of a spoon through the sieve.

• Add the sugar and honey to the liquid and mix well.

Mix 3-4 tablespoons of this mixture at a time with a cup of warm water and take as a small drink.

Take after meals only – 2-3 times a day.

Keep the mixture in the fridge and will last for about a week.

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